Mall of Georgia Dentistry's Blog

"Making you smile from the inside out"

Why we recommend only soft toothbrushes January 31, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mall of Georgia Dentistry @ 4:49 pm

Although it may seem like stiff bristles and vigorous scrubbing would get teeth really clean, your teeth a gums need a gentler touch. Brushes with hard bristles and scrubbing too hard can damages your gums and wear on your enamel. A gentle but thorough approach is more beneficial.

Soft-bristled toothbrush are actually very effective at cleaning plaque and debris from your teeth, and they are more gentle on the gums and enamel. We always recommend soft-bristled brushes because hard-bristles (and even medium- bristled) brushes can damage the gums or enamel. Brush with too much force, or with a stiff, rigid, brush, and you are likely to experience receding gums, damaged or eroded tooth enamel, or other similar problems. These problems can then contribute to sensitivity or more serious issues in time, such as a need for gum surgery.

Using proper brushing technique with a soft toothbush is the best way to clean your teeth thoroughly. Use a soft-bristled bush with small, gentle, circular motions at a 45-degree angle to the gumline. Take your time to be gentle and thorough for a full two minutes, paying attention to each surface of each tooth. Brushing really hard or vigorously or with hard bristles does not make up for a lack of time spent brushing your teeth. The average person only brushes for about 45 seconds, far short of the recommended two minutes/120 seconds.

Although some people believe firm bristles clean better, the fact is they are more likely to wear away your enamel and damage your gums. At Mall of Georgia Dentistry, we know a soft brush will take better care of your teeth and gums. Use a soft or extra-soft toothbrush. We really love the brand Nimbus, which we carry in our office. The microfine bristles can reach tiny crevices in your mouth better than other brushes. If you feel like you need something more to get your teeth extra clean, try using an electric toothbrush with the softest available brush head.


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