Mall of Georgia Dentistry's Blog

"Making you smile from the inside out"

Don’t wait until the last minute to use insurance benefits September 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mall of Georgia Dentistry @ 9:28 pm

Since it’s getting late in the year it’s a good time to remind our patients that insurance benefits usually expire at the end of the year. Most insurance plans have benefits that start over each calendar year. Hopefully you’ll have already planned to make the most of your insurance benefits by this late in the year, but it may not be too late! Take a look at your dental insurance benefits, consider any treatment you need or have been putting off, and give us a call to see about maximizing your coverage. Delaying treatment could be a waste of your current benefits.

When dental insurance plans use a calendar year benefit year, it means that things like the annual maximum amount- and often the frequencies of cleanings and exams- start over each calendar year. Those benefits typically do not roll over into the following year, and if you don’t use it, you lose it! If you’re due for another cleaning this year or have unscheduled treatment, contact us now to get your appointment scheduled.

Usually, available appointments for the last month or two of the year fill up quickly. A lot of patients rush to get in before their benefits expire, and this increased demand can make it harder for you to get an appointment with us the later it gets in the year. Instead of waiting until the last minute, take advantage of those dental insurance benefits and schedule with us now!

Some plans do not have calendar year benefits. Some insurance plans use a “plan year” with benefits that start over on a specific date during the year. If you don’t know what your benefit year is, it’s a good idea to find out so you can plan accordingly.

We are here to help you maximize your benefits, so if you have questions about your insurance coverage, please give us a call and we will do our best to help you. We hope you’ll schedule any treatment that you might have been putting off this year and take advantage of your benefits!


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